要使用Toast插件时首先得下载并引入文件 。
$.toast('Here you can put the text of the toast') 或是带参数 $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: 'Now you can add icons to generate different kinds of toasts', showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'info' })
$.toast({ text: "Don't forget to star the repository if you like it.", // Text that is to be shown in the toast heading: 'Note', // Optional heading to be shown on the toast icon: 'info', // Type of toast icon info/success/warning/error showHideTransition: 'fade', // fade, slide or plain allowToastClose: false, // Boolean value true or false hideAfter: 3000, // false to make it sticky or number representing the miliseconds as time after which toast needs to be hidden stack: 5, // false if there should be only one toast at a time or a number representing the maximum number of toasts to be shown at a time position: 'top-center', // bottom-left or bottom-right or bottom-center or top-left or top-right or top-center or mid-center or an object representing the left, right, top, bottom values textAlign: 'left', // Text alignment i.e. left, right or center loader: false, // Whether to show loader or not. True by default loaderBg: '#e00000', // Background color of the toast loader bgColor: '#FF1356', //property is used to specify the background color of the toast message. Default is '#444' textColor: 'white', //property is used to specify the text color of the toast message. Default is '#eee' beforeShow: function () {}, // will be triggered before the toast is shown afterShown: function () {}, // will be triggered after the toat has been shown beforeHide: function () {}, // will be triggered before the toast gets hidden afterHidden: function () {} // will be triggered after the toast has been hidden });